August 18, 2011

The 5-7-5 On Us

Please see Emily's blog where I got this idea.  She is brilliant.

Little Girl is cute
 Though her self-chopped hair has grown
to a length that's sad...

Big Girl is stressed
or is it just boredom that 
makes her pluck her brows?

Little Boy likes girls
But can't seem to talk to them.
He choses to wave.

Middle Boy threw up
three times on the track Monday
at his first practice.

Big Boy eats food-stuffs
all day and all night it seems,
I guess he'll still grow.

I am awake (sigh!)
thinking thoughts that upset me
like starting to run.

T is the 1st prize
in a game I call 'My Life.'
So glad I found him.

That was fun.... now do try this at home.


Dallas said...

What a fun idea. I loved your post on Thelma and Grandpa coming as well. It is fun to get to know her and such through your blog. What a super cute lady.

Eileen said...

THat would take way too much mental work to do that at home! But I'm impressed that you did! And I'm impressed that you're running!

Connie said...

That WAS fun! Keep us posted about your running!

CB said...

That is a super fun format!!

Big Girl shouldn't pluck those eyebrows too much or she'll be drawing them in the rest of her life - LOL.

I have a few Big Boys that won't quit eating either!!

Good luck on your running - You go girl!!

Kelly said...

I told Big Girl when she grows that middle spot (hairless) back then she can pierce her ears. It's been a few weeks and nothing is growing back yet. Wish I knew how long it takes to grow new ones... I think she's stopped but I don't know. I should probably be addressing the real issue- why does she do it!?

Karen M. Peterson said...

That's a great idea.

I was planning to start running this morning too. I slept too late. Guess I have to do it tonight...