October 12, 2007

Hawaii Recap

Did I mention that on our way home from Korea that we did a 5 day layover in Hawaii? I am bad about posting things in order, but it was a trip worth reporting for sure. We stayed at a lovely Hilton hotel, went to a luau, played on the beach, ate lots of pineapple and took in the Polynesian Culture Center with our friends the Ks. They happen to be locals and came over from the big island to see us. It was fun to hang out with them. I was amazed at AK, who as always is bursting with energy and makes everything funner. She was not slowed down by the fact that she was 6+ months pregnant. I decided it's easier being pregnant when you are not 38 watching her as she caught kids repeatedly as they jumped off the hotel beds into her belly. That is not something I did while pregnant with Baby Girl.

Also on an unrelated subject Middle Boy had his 11th birthday. He was one happy kid! In fact I think that the wait for his birthday about killed the poor kid because he went from being quite disagreeable before to being an angel on the day of his birthday. He got almost all the requests on his birthday wish list. With the exception of a BB gun. Mom's not ready to say yes to that one yet. Probably never- I hate weapons!

Anyways- I sure am grateful to have Middle Booy as my son. He is always so good at helping me when I need him. He is thoughtful and funny, and reserved for a boy his age. He loves animals and is a good friend to his brothers. He loves a job and his happiest when working on something. He would rather be outdoors than in, and loves sports of all kinds. Middle Boy has made some good friends in our neighborhood. He is a great kid, and I love him a lot. Oh- he's also one of the best looking kids you'll run across in a day. Unless you see my other 4 that is :)

1 comment:

Bob and Julie said...

Hi!! This is a little late...but...welcome back to the US! We love checking out your blog! Your kids are growing up so fast. What a fun family!! I also wanted to let you know that we set up a blog. Go to juliebobt@blogspot.com Pretty fun! Keep in touch! Bob and Julie Tomlinson