April 03, 2007

Thomas Jefferson Getting Down!

Recently our 3rd son D chose Thomas Jefferson to portray in a 'famous Americans' oral report. He was required to dress up as his character, and this is what we came up with. He had been captain Jack Sparrow for Halloween and that costume came in handy. Here we see D dancing in his TJ costume the day before the presentation. I thought his was one of the best ones in his class and I was tickled when the moment came where the kid who chose Benjamin Franklin claimed to have written the Declaration of Independence just after Drew had gone and claimed that he wrote it. They sat down next to each other and had words on the subject. "You may have helped, but I wrote most of it!" said D to this impostor. The kid who was Benjamin Franklin got to hold up a 100 dollar bill. D could have held up the nickel, but it wouldn't have been as impressive I guess. Anyways, in our home we think TJ rocks!

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