July 14, 2007

You really ought to give Iowa a try...

Can I just say that I am so gosh darn grateful to be here in Iowa!! I literally smile from ear to ear when driving around here. It is so beautiful everywhere you look. All the green open space is such a refreshing sight for sore eyes. And there is plenty of space to be had. Something that I would not have appreciated half so much if I hadn't just lived in Seoul. This concept of appreciation coming after a trial is on my mind a lot lately. We are given hard things to deal with in life so that when we make it through them we have the wisdom on the other side to appreciate and love the good times all the more. It is even more evident of the growth I have been through as I compare this go around in Iowa to the time we lived here before for four years in medical school. I did not know how good I had it then. In fact I really recall how much I just wanted to go back to somewhere with better weather. Iowa did grow on me with time. But this time around it is an instant love affair with this wonderful place. People gave me looks of sympathy sometimes when I told them where our next stop was and I would just smile knowingly, and inform them that Iowa is a wonderful spot. I also love the familiarity that comes back when I see people I knew then and places we did this or that. It's a constant deja vu. We really grew here in Iowa. It's a great place to reap the harvest of growth. And that is just what we plan on doing during this wonderful year in corn country. If I can just get all the dang boxes opened!

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