January 15, 2010

Things I Hate!

I have quite a few pet peeves. I am sorry to admit my obvious lack of tolerance but if I am being honest here, I do get bugged too much. I am working on it. I hate it when someone leaves something on the dash board of the car and it rolls around while I drive. Hate! I hate it when people leave lights on all over the house. I hate waste. I hate inefficiency. If you are going somewhere take something with you on the way and put it back -less steps are better!

I don't particularly like practical jokes. Two jokes have been pulled on me in the last two days by my 13 year old son. One of them got him a swift punch in the arm. It was like I had absolutely no time to even think about what I was doing before my fist had a mind of it's own. Hate the water down the front of you when you take a drink gag. HATE! I hate balloons bobbing around my head. I hate picky eaters (although I was one). I also hate that the garbage job has now become my job. It used to be T's but now somehow I inherited it. Even the bringing in of the cans is no longer on his radar. I hate ingratitude. Spoiled behavior and expecting us to do stuff without being grateful is a big no no. That is why Big Boy had to ride the bus this morning instead of getting a ride from me since his final didn't start until 10:00. "Three hours of my life- wasted!" He wailed, I lost no sleep over it.

I am sure there are more things that drive me nuts but it will have to wait for another time. Baby Girl needs me... So tell me what you hate? Nails on a chalkboard hate.


Eileen said...

I hate people who are SO slow in the drop off line at school. Why are they having these long conversations with their children when other people are waiting behind them? As soon as we hit the street that the school is on, I'm telling Abby, "Get your backpack, get ready to unstrap....." And once we get to the curb....well, if there was an eject button for her seat, I'd hit it. Don't like to hold up the line.

Kelly said...

Good one Eileen. I also get bugged by inconsiderate people like that. It crosses over at the grocery store when people block the isle for long amounts of time while they consider what type of peanut butter to buy without paying any attention to others around them.

Camrin said...

I hate when people wear socks with flip flops. I don't know why I even care but it totally bugs!
I also hate when the toilet paper is put on the roll wrong. The paper has to come from off the top not the bottom. I have even changed this is a few of my friends houses. oops. :o)
I think my list could be pretty long too. I better stop now. I might get myself into trouble. lol

CSIowa said...

I don't understand why I never find a bath towel hanging up or in the laundry basket. They are always on the bedroom or bathroom floors. I would reconcile myself to this failing except someone keeps picking up the towel that I intentionally put on the floor just inside the front door to catch the snow melting off of shoes. Apparently, only towels that aren't supposed to be on the floor are allowed to stay there.

And that whole school parking lot thing? I can't stand the people who are in too big of a hurry to follow the rules, so they stop any-which-where, creating hazards for young kids, blocking traffic, and slowing things down for the people behind them.

Kristina P. said...

I hate when people hover over me at work, or eavesdrop in conversations.

noyb said...

i hate when someone insists on backing into a parking space at the mall, grocery store, or movie theater. HATE IT.

Becky said...

I hate finding clothes in the laundry basket that I KNOW were not worn that week! They were just never put away from the previous week and the dirty clothes were just piled on top. (This child is now completely in charge of their own laundry. No more ANGRY Tuesdays for me!)=)

Kelly said...

Oh Becky that IS a good one! I also can't stand that. I have found folded clothing in the dirty clothes before. Lazy ungrateful kids- HATE That.

I also forgot to add an important one for me: windshield wipers still being used when it's no longer raining. Hate it!

Tracy P. said...

Um...still damp jeans from the dryer. Also, messy eyebrows. Oh, and cold, un-spreadable butter.
Do mine need some work?

Katie said...

I hate picky eaters too. I can tolerate it in kids (well, kind of), but adult picky eaters drive me nuts.

I hate it when I am driving with my husband in the rain and he has the wipers on too slow of a speed.

literaqueen said...

I hate it when the light turns green and I KNOW there's a limited window of time to make the left-hand turn and the car in front of me hesitates too long, causing said limited window to close. Gotta work on my patience . . .