But there is light at the end of the tunnel because when I cleaned up the mess I found a missing 20.00 bill that I thought my husband had swiped from me (he always does that-grrr.... oh yeah, I'm just grateful to have him home alive and all that good stuff..... perspective!). And a reminder notice that my 10 year old has a scripture to present in primary this Sunday.
So it's a good thing I lost my cell phone in time right? Seriously, if you know where it is, please call me..... not on the cell phone though.
That isn't all that is frustrating. When we are in chaos mode I forget things terribly. I forgot it was jersy day today at school. Big Girl lives in fear of the upcoming pajama day being missed. I still don't know when it is! Remember when she had to dress up as a cow and did it on the wrong day? Still traumatized. I volunteered yesterday and realized as I walked in that despite my best efforts to have a pre-made teacher appreciation note made that it didn't make it to school on the right day-yesterday. Big Girl made her sad face as Mrs S went through all the notes of children who's parents have their stuff together. Mrs S assured us that a note on any day of the week is just as good. We came home, couldn't find our note, made another and then just before bedtime, couldn't find the 2nd masterpiece. Sigh! Swear! I give up!!! I am so ready for school to be over so I can stop being assigned to appreciate the teachers! It's enough to make me want to homeschool. (But not quite. You can see why I'd be horrible. I'd never get any appreciation-day notes from my students). The note could be in this horrendous pile that I need to go through. Papers pile up like wild fire around here. It's good thing I recycle!
So please come back Melissa so that I can gain some sanity.
And believe me, the irony that I chose to blog about this mess instead of clean it up during my nap-time window this afternoon is not lost on me. I think I will go take a rest myself now.
Oh and the following video is for my sister Marie who tells me she likes to see vids of the kids. View if you like- or don't!
Sometimes, blogging about it helps you to deal with it!
What a healthy thing to do--blog and take a nap!
Little Girl is looking more and more like Big Girl every day! How fun!
Oh my gosh, my house soooo looks like this. And it drives me crazy. And I'm reading blogs instead of cleaning it up.
Look how cute that Little Girl is- duh! That makes up for the messy house.
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